Friday, March 13, 2009

What Made the Xbox

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages (who shouldn't be reading this blog because of the foul language); I hope you all are enjoying your Xbox360. If not, it probably bricked. Anyway, it's time to look back and see the innovations that made the 360 what it is today.

Analog controls
Ever tried moving in circles with the D-pad? It sucks. Thankfully, somebody had the bright idea of making a joystick [insert innuendo here] thumb-sized for home console. Some people think the N64 made the first analog, but if my sources are right, Playstation actually came out with one first (apparently no one bought it til later).
[Update]: Actually, the Atari 5200 was the first to have analog controls, but there was no real need for them. Plus, the controls were notorious for malfunctioning.

The Konami Code (Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start)
Thank you God for this code (that he obviously knew about). Because of this code, games with console stomping frustratingly difficulty were now feasible. What's this got to do with Xbox360? This code was so popular, it made game developers realized that it was better to make games that anybody can beat instead of the obsessive psychotics.

No Doom - no Halo, Gears of War, or Call of closed.

Online Gaming
PC, look at what you started. PC gamers have enjoyed online for the better part of the 90's until the Sega Dreamcast came out in 99. Though it didn't really implement online PLAY til 2000, the fact that you can go online was still impressive.

Downloadable Content
Something else PC gamers once monopolized. This idea was just genius. Now, people aren't so quick to trade in old games because new content can extend the time you play with games or add a little something that may have been missing from the original package. Also, you can get movies, shows, demos, and full games. Sweet.

Hard Drives
Once again PC provides the foundation for future console innovations. Before we couldn't save at all and had to reastart from the beginning. Then games were save on the cartridges. Afterwards we had to buy memory cards because you can't save on a CD. So thank you hard drive because I was losing alot of money on memory cards. With the PC leading the way for consoles.....

.....might as well put it on the list. When you think about it, they were the first to do almost everything in gaming.

3D Graphics
It's an innovation, but I have nothing to say about it. I was just looking for a reason to post this picture. Sweeeeet.

There are way more innovations that help shape the 360, but since I'm doing this post late in the night, I'll stop here. Part 2 coming soon.

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