Monday, February 16, 2009

Top 10 Weapons of XBOX360

The top ten badass list got so much loved and I've been asked to do another one. My boy Neil from suggested I do a list on the best weapons. Why the hell not; let the fragging begin.

#10) Anything you can find - Dead Rising
How do you protect yourself from the oncoming zombie assault? With anything that isn't nailed down. In Dead Rising you can use park benches, shower heads, lawn mowers, and in the case of the picture above, other zombies! A lot of choices; a lot of zombies......sweet.

#9) Barrett .50 Caliber Rifle - Call of Duty 4
This is hands down the best sniper rifle I have ever used in a video game. You can be a complete noob and still pwn with this gun (for those who didn't understand I mean you will kick ass). This gun kills with one shot, even if it hits the guy's kneecap. Off by a little bit? The bullet will sometimes still find a way to hit your target. Cheap? Then get your own and quit bitching.

#8) Soul Edge - Soulcalibur 4
If you can control it, you will possess the most powerful blade ever made, or born or however it came to be. Of course if you can't control, it will possess you. Most weapons don't have a mind of its own, nor do they have an eye to see the person its stuck in. This thing is so powerful that it keeps coming back no matter what people do.

#7) Energy Sword - Halo 3
A.K.A. the Halo lightsaber, this weapon was made cooler when Bungie added sword clashes to online matches. Just when you think you have the upper hand, your opponent whips out the sword and only one thing goes through your mind when that happens:......OH SHIT

#6) Rocket Launcher - Various Games
If your game has weapons in it, there better damn well be a rocket launcher in it. Headshots and pistol whips are awesome, but nothing says 'FUCK YOU' like a blast to the face, or the chest, or the feet...or even in the general area by the face, chest, and feet. A vehicle can be a great advantage in a battle....unless someone is packing this kind of heat.

#5) the Fatman - Fallout 3
IT'S A MINI NUKE! HOLY FUCKING CRAP! This is what you use when you wanna kill something in a totally excessive and unnecessary way. When using the V.A.T.S. system, aim for the head and see what happens. Trust me on this one.

#4) Cars - Grand Theft Auto 4
Sometimes the best weapons are everyday items. In GTA4, bullets will eventually run out, but a cars will last and last (until you piss off the cops). Nothing makes to body count and police blood pressure raise faster than driving on a crowded sidewalk and having people bounce off the hood of your (or more likely somebody else's) car.

#3) Lancer - Gears of War series
OH YES! This is a masterpiece. When you see this son of a bitch in your face, you know what time it is. Get too far away and you will be riddled with bullets. Get too close and the chainsaw attachment will carve you up like a...Xmas bird i don't know; look it will fuck you up alright. Some are probably thinking "Number 3? What!? What's better than the Lancer?" Well..........

#2) Plasma Grenades - Halo 3
.....How about these bad boys? Grenades that stick to the person is genius. If this sticks to you, you're dead no matter what. Underwater? Dead! Overshield? Dead! Inside a vehicle? Fuckin dead! There's no way around it. The best part is when you know you're about to die, you can toss one and get a kill on your way out.

#1) the Shotgun - Every Single Shooter
Shooter games must have a rocket launcher out of respect, but they got to have a shotgun by LAW. Every shooter has one: Halo, Gears, GTA, Call of Duty, etc. Even the upcoming Resident Evil 5 has one. One shot is all you need to make someone your bitch. Pump action, Automatic, doesn't matter. This weapon kicks ass. It's been around since the beginning and will be around till the end. Thank you shotgun....for being you. (Sniff* Im sorry. This is a very emotional subject for me)

Thought of something better? Leave a comment and I'll be sure to ignore it.

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