It's simple really; the 360 was the best choice of the 3. The original plan was to get all 3, and I did own a Wii at one point, but since money is tight I had to stick with one system and sell the other. As for PS3, that just doesn't seem likely.
The PS3 was a big disappointment for me because PS2 was so awesome. PS2 had all the best games. It got the exclusive rights to just about everything. PS3 takes a huge step back. First off, what the fuck did Sony expect when they first came out with those $500 and $600 price points? They must have thought the popularity of the Playstation name would get people to spend that much money. Shit, I thought Mircosoft was crazy with their former $400 charge for Xbox360 Pro. Then again, they wouldn't have had to charge that much if they didn't beef the system up to superhuman level. The PS3 is filled with so much high-tech-ery despite the fact that most people don't know or care what the fuck all those parts do, and even then the parts aren't that much better than 360. I heard alot of people talking about how it's a blu-ray player, and when PS3 came out blu-ray players were around $1,000, so Sony fanboys rant about how reasonable the price was because of it. Well fanboys have somewhat of a point, but most people didn't (and still don't) have that kind of money to spend on a system with 2 games out for it, and even if they did most people don't have an fuckin HDTV so the blu-ray is a little unwarranted. Of course, the games are made on blu-ray, and blu-ray disc do hold more space. Too bad blu-ray is slow as fuck. It would take forever for blu-ray games to load if the games weren't downloaded onto the PS3 (or if developers didn't copy and paste the game in the extra space in the blu-ray disc.). But at the end of the day, it's about the games, and that's where PS3 disappoints. For a system priced so high, I expect alot of original content. Instead, most of their games are on Xbox360, a cheaper system with similar graphics. Yea, if PS3 was cheaper, I probably wouldof jumped all over it, but I'm happy with 360.
With all the hype, I pretty much had no choice but to buy a Wii. It was an original idea, and I credit Nintendo for thinking out the box, but in the end it just doesn't work....not yet anyway. The Wii remote and sensor bar can only capture basic motions so alot of times you can move one way, but the game assumes you moved in another way. There are coming out with a new sensor to improve motions, but ultimately it comes down to the developers and they are failing miserably. de Blob, Boom Blox, Bully and Rock Band/Guitar Hero are the only good games I can think of right now not made by Nintendo (and Resident Evil 4. I don't like it, but most of the gaming community do so I must consede). I work at a store with a video game department, and most of what we get is shit. Wii is filled with shovelware (games made quickly with no concern with quality) to take advantage of the Wii's popularity so it's hard to find good games unless made by Nintendo, and they didn't make alot. It also doesn't help that despite a number of rated-M titles, I can't shake the feeling that I'm not the target audience. It's not the kiddy system like the Gamecube, but its game are too simple for its own good. It caters too much to people who don't really play games. And that's fine; if that's the direction they want to take then more power to them. It's clearly working. Sadly Nintendo, we have to part ways. We'll still friends....right?
That's not to say the 360 don't have it's own problems. If you bought a Xbox360 before 2009, there's a 1 in 3 chance your system will brick. The red ring of death is the royal pain in the ass of the gaming (along with protesters). I had to send my system to Microsoft only for them to send me back a broken one back a month later. So I went 2 months without Xbox360.....that sucks. Luckily, in a way, I had a Wii to tide me over.
So the 360 is the best choice this generation, but quite frankly you can't go wrong with any system as long as it meets your standards. Just remember to do research before you buy (damn you dreamcast)
NOTE: Not every post I do will have comedy in it.