Friday, February 20, 2009

Top 5 Cheapest Bosses in Xbox360 Fighting Games

In celebration of Street Fighter 4, I'm acknowledging my least favorite aspect of fighting games; The cheap bastards we have to deal with every time we boot up.

#5) Dural - Virtual Fighter 5 Online
This shiny lady has kicked many of ass in her virtual fighter career, but I think she's toughest in the latest game. I still can't figure out her moves to (literately) save my life. The only good thing about her (besides the shiny boobs that bounce despite being made of metal) is that you're not required to beat her. The game is over no matter the outcome. Smart move Sega.

#4) Dark Kahn - Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
I hate this guy. His move are so fast and powerful I spend most of the time blocking. I did manage to figure out how to beat him (keep attacking! don't let him rest! Flash is good at that), but figuring it out wasn't fun nor was it rewarding. He pissed me off so much there were times I gave up and let him destroy the universes. Asshole.

#3) Alpha 152 - Dead or Alive 4
OMFG I HATE THIS FUCKIN BITCH WITH A PASSION! She too fast, too strong, and schizo. Even if you know all her move, you won't know which one to use. If you try to attack, chances are she'll hit you before you hit her. And to make matter worse, there's no easy setting in DOA4; just normal (which is hard), hard (which is really hard), and very hard (which must means God hates me). I'm in no rush to play DOA again.

#2) Seth - Street Fighter 4
I may be overreacting when I say this, but I hope the person who came up with Seth would burn in Hell for all eternity. The first round leads you into a false sense of security, and then he destroys you in the second, and presumably third round. When he knocks you down, he teleports all over the place. Most of the time, he teleports behind you and does a grab move, WHICH IS FUCKIN UNBLOCKABLE! Jump in the air and I guarentee he'll shoryuken your ass all day and then do some more teleporting. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong when you can breeze through guys on medium, but struggle with the boss on the EASIEST FUCKIN LEVEL. I wonder if unlocking people is really worth it.

#1) the Xbox360 Controller
This is hands down your biggest obstacle in any fighting game. This controller is not built for fighting games at all. The reason is the D-pad. Most of us who played fighting games in the past are used to the D-pad and would rather play with it, but the Xbox360's is so terrible you're pretty much forced to use the analog stick which sucks for fighting games. Some say you should picture it kinda like the arcade stick, but I don't like those either. Its soooooooooo much easier to do a haduken with a D-pad. The analog stick doesn't pick up quick movements well enough. It's so bad that Street Fighter had to release a controller specifically built to fight. That shouldn't have to be. It's that reason why when someone has both a PS3 and Xbox360 and wants to buy a fighting game, I quickly recommend the PS3 version. (NOTE: The Street Fighter games on Xboxlive arcade are hard with the analog, but not so with SF4. It actually kinda fits. I'd still prefer the D-pad though, but at least Capcom made playing with the analog feel more fluid. That's ahellava lot more than I can say about other fighters. Maybe because it's a 2D fighter; who knows.)

There's a difference between being challenging and frustrating, and I don't think developers know what that is yet. For once, I like to face a boss that test my skills instead of cheating to win. Some people would say "Well just get better" but these people are fuckin losers who spend too much time on a game learning the ins and outs to become the best in the world or some shit. Well good for you douche, but the average person don't have the time or the patience for this bullshit and will probably put the difficulty all the way down just so they can unlock everybody.

Know someone cheaper? Drop a line in the comments section.

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