Sunday, February 15, 2009

Top 10 Badasses in XBOX360

Today we acknowledge the biggest badasses that have graced the XBOX360.

Honorable Mention:

Yea, I know he's not an xbox character, and probably never will, but he is so badass he needs to be mentioned.

Top Ten:
#10) Niko Belic - Grand Theft Auto 4
He comes to America to leave his demons behind and chase the American dream. What he find is a lot of ass to kick. Pay him enough and he can do anything (remember the bank heist). Of course he gets the nod.

#9) Altair - Assassin's Creed
Is there anyone he can't kill in a cool way? If I knew removing my ring finger would me do the stuff Altair do, I'd probably...still wouldn't do it because it would hurt like hell. I thought about putting the Prince of Persia on this list, but this guy makes the prince look like a maiden. Now if he can only kill his target without letting them say something while dying. It's annoying.

#8) Commander Shepard - Mass Effect
Normally I wouldn't put a created character on a list, but since you're already established as a badass when the game starts, I'll make an exception. Plus you get to save the universe while making it with your choice of either a human or an alien chick. Sweet.

#7) Captain Price - Call of Duty 4
Yes he looks like a 1970's European pornstar, but Price can lead a team. He takes a small group of soldiers and run through armies with (almost) no problem. Oh, and he snuck through an enemy camp, shot the arm off the leader, and shot his way out with an injured superior. That's a very badass resume.

#6) Kobe Bryant - Los Angeles Lakers

#5) the Apprentice - Star Wars: the Force Unleashed
This is how the force should be used. This guy can clear a room with a cough. Hell, he even took down a fuckin warship....from space...into the planet with him! I guess when you're being trained by Darth Vader, you have no choice but to be badass. They even had to put him in Soulcalibur 4.

#4) Dark Kahn - Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
There's no rule saying all badasses have to be the good guy. There are probably more popular choices I could have picked, but the fact that this guy's existence means the end of 2 universes earns a spot on the list. Dude, he doesn't have to do anything except live, and the worlds will end. Badass!

#3) Ryu Hayabusa - Ninja Gaiden 2
Most ninjas use stealth to accomplish their goals. My man Ryu is the exact opposite; he wants you to know he's there, he was there, and he will be there. Talk about going against the grain. Ryu is so badass that they had to put him in one of the most difficult games in recent memory just to make it fair.

#2) Marcus Fenix
Even without Dom, Marcus can get the job done. The big burly soldier who's armor look like it been made by Toyota leads delta squad through hell and back, and back to hell just for the hell of it, only to go home and go through hell. If that's his hell, I wonder what his heaven looks like. Probably a plateau covered in locust body parts he just carved with his lancer.

#1) Master Chief - Halo 3
Need I say more? Didn't think so.

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